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No carbs, no sugar... no problem

Day 2 To be honest, day two was not very memorable in terms of food. I felt pretty normal in the morning… a bit tired as I stayed up beyond when my body wanted to sleep. I’m not sure if that is because I’ve cut sugar and carbs from my diet or not.

I decided […]

Metabolism and how it is effected by carbs

So, the very low carb diet that I am following is based on the book “the Metabolism Miracle” by Dianne Kress.

Her theory makes total sense, although she is very focussed on weight loss rather than my own concerns of insulin resistance, high cortisol and hypothyroid. The idea is that by only eating 5 […]

The journey to better digestive health - a tour from vegan to paleo

Oh life is such a wonderful journey!! The ups and downs, the successes and losses and the moments in between are what make this life so rich. We are so fortunate to be conscious beings with the ability to be aware of our circumstances with the understanding of how to change and improve them.

With […]